Technology For Everyone

Why Your Consulting Business Needs A 24-Hour Help Desk

Opening a consulting firm means working for yourself and working for clients. You will be responsible for setting up your own company, and you will be responsible for operating the contracts for clients that you sign on with your business. It can be a lot of work to operate as a consultant on your own, which is why you should recruit help and outsourcing when you can. One of the places you should hire help is with your it services. Here are a few reasons why you should hire a 24-hour help desk to help manage your online presence. 

You can correct problems as you are working

Late nights and early mornings are a part of being an entrepreneur. If you are working in the middle of the night and you notice an issue with your website, you will want to get help immediately. A 24-hour help desk will be able to aid you in repairing your online issue. By being able to call or contact a help desk to figure out the internet issue, you will be able to get back to work no matter how early or late it is. 

Your website remains online

Your website will be one of the most valuable tools that you have as a single consulting business. Clients will be able to search for you, read through your online information, and email you or get emergency contact information. Downtime on your website can mean a loss of business. A 24-hour help desk allows you to troubleshoot the issues that are happening on your website and get the site back up and running. With a 24-hour website uptime, you can get messages from new clients, keep in contact with current contracts, and receive messages from your own team throughout the day and night. 

You can take off days to do backend things

Many businesses that you work with may be open Monday through Friday, meaning that you are out in the field meeting with clients. The days that you may have available to work on your own technical projects and issues may be the weekends. If your helpdesk operates on a Monday to Friday schedule, you may be out of luck getting IT help. WIth a 24 hour 7 day a week help desk, you can initiate technical changes, updates, and repairs during your weekends. Being able to use off-peak hours for website help will allow you to use daytime hours to increase client output. 

For more information, contact your local managed services